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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Is perception the basis of every thought or every decision that we take? In fact the question that troubling me is which precedes which?? Perception and thought..? Does thought lead to a perception or perception leads to a thought? Is this what they call catch 22?? Today has been one of those days in office with no work what so ever. So it’s an idle mind.. or is it a free mind?? That is another question that is lingering in my head today.
Rather than digressing lets come back to the point of perception and thought. Let me split the two and observe it independently.
Thought: what is a thought? ‘a’ in front of the word thought would make it singular in English language. But is it actually singular?? Can there be a single thought? Definitely not in my head! I believe thought is a string of occurrences in your mind and the funny part is each occurrence can be a thought on its own. So can thought be singular? Yesterday a fellow blogger (I dunno why I refer to her as a fellow blogger.. J don’t know) anyways.. wait see the thought inside a thought.. coming back.. mentioned (may be I assume, was mentioned) meditation is to free the mind and concentrate on a single thought now two aspects are in contention here – free the mind and single thought whoof.. very difficult! I am sure I can never meditate if this is what meditation is all about.
Free mind is also instrumental in the creation of a perception or the act that follows. The assumption here is that creation of the perception precedes the action which can also be debated! But that we will take up later. The perception created, initial perception, should be created with a free mind. Now here the free mind is relative, as there is no thought or occurrences preceding the creation of the perception, cause it’s like a virgin who doesn’t know what to expect from the event that will change her life forever. I should write a virgin ‘tribal’ girl.. these days everyone else seems to already have perceptions..(:p) anyways coming back to perception.. every other instance after the perception is made the mind is not free and is probably cluttered with perceptions from earlier encounters of the situation / interaction. Here I guess the perception precedes the thought and therefore forms the basis.
The interesting thought (too many ‘thoughts’ n ‘perceptions’ in this blog) here is the fact that perception is dynamic and keeps changing and here the action or the encounter precedes the perception. (am I writing just for the heck of writing? Cos what I wrote everyone knows) but what people don’t know is that the concept of free mind and its impact on all our actions (who am I to say people don’t know??) anyways.. I am reminded of a scene from matrix..  neo wants to jump of a building to the next one.. and Morpheus tells him to just free his mind.. while narrating that scene.. it struck me.. that probably he meant ‘free your mind’ from the thought of not making it.. not just simply free your mind which is quite unreasonable.. or probably it is free your mind from making the judgment that he can’t make the jump?? It is that inhibition that one needs to let go.. probably that’s when you have ‘freed’ your mind! (this is inspired from a very recent conversation I had with my fellow blogger). Humans tend to have different options or means to free their mind.. its is important for me to realize my means be it any thing.. from penning down whatever that comes to my mind, composing a rhyme, watching your favourite movie, or even shouting out loud or destroying something or doing something which you also thought was wrong.. cos like it is said in bhagvat gita.. the end justifies the means.. the free mind is worth all  this pain and effort!

This will probably the most disconnected blog I have ever written (As if I have written a zillion blogs) but definitely this is just 10% of the mess that’s cluttered in my head right now.. feel better though..

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