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Monday, August 6, 2012

Pick up lines are overrated!

More than a zillion times I have rehearsed many wonderful (in my head atleast) pick up lines. in my cases its more often pick up paragraphs! recently i was in a very popular stores in GK-2  (24/7) to buy some eateries and there stood a very beautiful girl at the counter! in my hand was a pack Bournvita Lil Champs (yeah! yeah! i know its for kids.. i was impressed by the ad so picked it up out curiosity to just get the feel of the pack!) anyways.. immediately a really nice approach struck me! (for those who haven't seen the ad here is the link - ) lil champs talks about the growth of brain within the first 4 - 5 years and thats why bournvita lil champs is important! anyways.. the pick para was as follows : - " hi! der! just wanted to confirm if you have seen the new bournvita lil champs ad! cos if you haven't you may not have realized why am i taking this pack! it says brain is developed within the age of 4-5! and i guess mine didn't cos i really cannot work my brain to cook up an interesting conversation with you to convince you to have a coffee with me! so i decided to pick up a pack and see if it improves! i mean my brain! and see.. just picked up the pack and i am here explaining it to you but boring you to death! "
seemed like a nice para! but by the time i rephrased and rehearsed and became confident .. no trace of her in the store! damn it!
anyways. i have always wondered why is it hard for me to take that final plunge and see if these cheesy lines are actually something that works!
so then do they actually work? the whole concept of first impression is critical and how is it that a nice pick up line(the phrase pick up line itself is sooooo cheesy and demeaning) going to work for you?
i guess these days the women are more mature and smart to identify the threats of what happens after the pick up line! and i guess it is more assumed that those approaching with these cheesy lines are infact better stayed away from!
so obviously these line are overrated! so no love lost that i couldn't work up a good pick up para in time!

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