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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Less wrong or more wrong!

How many times have you been in a situation when 2 close friends of your are in a fight about who among them is more wrong and less wrong? And suddenly they turn towards you expecting a judgement from the arguments they just laid down? "Ooops! Me? I have to tell you?" god damn it! This is a tricky situation when you know both are right on the point that the other person is wrong and both are wrong on the point that they are less wrong! And therefore right!
I have always been criticized of being too black and too white with no grey!
And therefore the expectation is that I have a judgement but what is not understood is that the judgement i have is not what they expect whether 1st guy is less wrong or 2nd guy is less wrong because for me those words are grey! (less wrong n more wrong) For me they both are wrong! The dilemma comes in when you realize the fact that magnitude of the action is the parameter! Then? Then what? If one person can accept the others mistake does that make his (other guy who has been forgiven) mistake lesser in magnitude? Does that make it less wrong?
For example in this age what our older generations call as 'kalyug' cheating has become a common thing. And we all know its wrong, the other day in 'satyameva jayathe' they were talking about domestic violence and we also know that it's wrong. Now lets assume a situation where the wife cheats on the husband and husband finds out and he beats her up! Now tell me who is more wrong and who is less wrong?
Morally the biggest argument is she cheated and she deserved what she got! But she is a weaker being and the fact she can't defend herself doesn't give you the right to beat her up!
In India since we have been skewed in our judgments as we were a male dominant society with a deep rooted connection to our conscience would automatically come to the conclusion that the female is wrong and her action led to the males mistake! (not wrong but mistake see the difference in perception) and deep down I second it! Probably my conservatism is to be blamed here! But then I would like to stick to my black n white theory is telling me to treat the both independently but can you since both are interconnected!
It's easy to say "keep it simple, silly" when life is god damn complicated as it is.. Rarely we can!

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