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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Glimpses of romance!!

It's been 9 yrs, 2 months and 17 days since the first time I fell in love.. Sitting on the couch in her house waiting to meet her and give her the heart shaped pebble I snatched from my brother.. It was her birthday and I was invited for a small birthday party the last one for her in school! Hosting it upstairs she came down to greet us (my best friend accompanied me for moral support) and there I fell in love with her.. Incidently i had propsed to her more than a year back, i probably was infatuated then but it was clearly this particular day that spun my head and i fell head over heels! In a pretty black Indian attire.. Smiling and hair combed side ways.. She came from the front door.. I tried to get up but slipped and fell back on the couch.. She looked stunning.. I had to leave soon since I had classes to attend.. Don't burst out when I say IIT coaching.. Yeah yes I did! But those 15 - 20 minutes (thanks to the ever studious and righteous friend of mine.. Who was eager on the classes..) were cherished even after these many years.. My first instance of falling in love!!
Very soon she is getting married.. And I will be in a different continent! No hard feelings.. Because I fell in love again and many a times too.. I just hope she did and is marrying him! God bless her!!
Then came Onam festival .. Final year of college and the mallu's in our traditional attire.. There she walked in to the class.. No that she had me aw! Struck it was more of developed or a triggered feeling.. Scanning through the photos with friends back in the hostel room.. Comments and remarks on a photo of mine with her triggered that nice feeling.. Yes there I go again through that whirlpool of happy and blushy feelings.. Still do look at that photo sometimes not for love but for those comments and the fun moments with friends! Not a moment of love probably but did have a good feeling which i spoiled by proposing her after a fullfledged brainwashing done by my friends. But even today feel good about those days.. She ain't getting married but nah! Not going that road again!
Last year of college.. Engineering.. Busy preparing for final project, final placements, MBA exams.. And the college fest.. Dept. fest!! Bunking classes and sitting in the Audi for other department's events.. She came on the stage, knew her all along and had spoken to her a several times as well.. No bells were rung till that day! She stepped up and sang one of my favourite malayalam songs and My heart had already launched itself and was free falling from way above.. For that 4 and 1/2 minutes or so I fell in love with her several times! and there we go again.. Even today when I hear that song I fall in love with her all over again! But she is married and has kids and frankly don't even know where she is!!
Then came my longest colorful days being in love.. Was already dating this girl for probably a couple of months! Seniors were hosting a party in the most happening joints in Pune 'Arthur's theme' food and food and food all over.. Pretty seniors high on alcohol and asking for a dance.. Suddenly I was missing her... Never felt like that before.. Told my best friend to cover for sped back in my bike all the way back to campus to be greeted by a tight hug and kiss on the cheek (no smooches in public please) and yeah this time free falling from the land of cryptonite or the seventh heaven.. Everything else had become so small as a dot and it was just her! I was in love.. so was she.. !
A few months later.. probably an year had passed.. Was strollig with her outside my canteen and had a call to attend.. It was from home.. While talking she sat down on the small parapet guarding the plants.. She sat down on a plant and jumped up immediately to look what it was.. Realizing it was a plant.. She caressed it and then she caressed all the plants wished them good night and gave them all kisses.. Even today that thought makes me fall back in love with her to that extent that sometimes I end up calling her.. (not this time) on phone I told my mom I got to go cause I had to hug her! Probably the most striking romantic moment of my life.. Today she is found her true love and moved on.. Sad at times but happy mostly now! Could have been different!
After all that I still had an fickle heart all geared up for a roller coaster ride!
This incident does not involve me.. This is my brother and bhabi helping me get that ticket for a roller coaster ride.. Giving hope! My brother had shifted to Bombay and bhabi was still in delhi for more than 2 weeks and desperate to meet each other.. Me being the designate chauffeur as is the case always ( I like it though) was with bhabi all the way from delhi.. And it was late evening that Saturday we were planning to meet my bro close to there new apartment in powai. He was waiting for us for more than an hour and we were stuck in the famous and notorious mumbai traffic! Finally we entered powai and see him standing on the foot path, I park the car and bhabi steps out and runs (exaggerated) but yeah her eagerness was evident in the way she went to him.. And they hugged in the middle of the hiranandani market, they hugged so tight and for long it was like- the only thing missing was flowers falling from heaven! It's a very interesting love story and marriage that they have probably write another blog on that on a later date! Yeah seeing them and that day.. I feel it is worth buying the ticket and taking that ride!l over n over again!
The latest one happened very recently..
I was back in Bombay for a week and had planned to meet a friend (to start with) that entire week and probably deep down was expecting something would happen.. Don't actually know.. Day 1 I ditched her since I had to be with my brother and we were having late dinner and had to drop a few friends of his back home! Anyways day 2 met her at around 8:00 in the evening and spent a wonderful evening.. Night.. Late night.. Early morning.. With her on the most romantic location in Bombay - Marine drive! Nothing triggered then.. Come day 3 met her and there she was in a red dress! By then the virus was spreading and had eaten up my senses to an extent! Anyways spent a great time enjoying some ice cream, rating men & women passing by and then playing a game that triggered that feeling back again.. Sat down on the front seat of that scariest roller coaster without seat belts! It was official we were seeing each other.. So from meeting a friend to being with your 'more than a friend' ! The eventful day 2 had to be ended soon as I had promised my brother for dinner again! Took a taxi and went to drop her.. Spoke a lot and blushed a lot.. And got out to open the door for her but she had already stepped out .. Stood there at an arms length from each other and she smiled and blushed, me too! After that moment. I said bye! And gave her a side hug and got back in to my car, as the car was reversing I popped my head out and looked at her.. She was smiling still so was I.. Something inside me said "get out and just hug her!" The roller coaster had taken off! But the sane or the probably stupid version of me refrained me from doing so thinking 'Arrey she would think you are a despo' and I just looked at her and smiled! Probably a reason that this roller coaster derailed! Anyways today I am as far as i can be from the ticket counter! But leaning towards it! And she is probably somewhere else reading this right now! (caught u!)
Anyways glimpses of my romantic side has been very colorful! And probably the next roller coaster rides me all my life!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The weaker sex!

Lately I have realized that the smiling face is the prettiest face of a person! This is my experience speaking.. Obviously not talking about myself.. But lately the number of photos I have been seeing .. Thanks to the arranged marriage concept! Going through a zillions profiles on I have realized a smiling face takes off several negatives out of one's face.. Probably because the smile is a very refreshing site and one tends to look at it than a frown!!
Obviously if you have really bad teeth to showcase then probably a closed smile would be better.. I mean the lips should be touching.. The upper and lower not with somebody else's! Anyways the irony in my case is these smiling faces I am looking at would probably be the reason for me not have a smile on mine! I know very pessimistic! But then I wonder why is der so many such forwards about the man suffering in a relationship? Why movies like pyaar punchnama become a hit with every guy coming feeling 'ghosh! That's my story?' girls probably have to take these signs seriously! Or else there will be an uprising just like how you women folks have got 33% reservation! The men will uprise and back a 100 years! Funny part is The whole idea of men and women are equal goes for a toss when women folk themselves fight for 33% extra? Ironic isn't it? I am not saying women folks shouldn't be given that.. I am just saying men were never given anything extra we took it (not right I agree) but we took it primarily because you let us, we didn't want reservations. In western countries probably the women were oppressed by the church as per what a lot of rebellion books suggest but haven't they come out and earned a place for themselves more respectfully! I am not saying you shouldn't have reservations but don't you all feel it's a better way earn it on your own merit?
This tag of being a weaker sex out of the two.. This is something I never accepted.. Yeah go ahead call me an MCP but the fact is women folks are not weak in fact if you look at it neither physically nor mentally (emotionally) we are strong.. Physically one on one kick between our legs even the great Khali will fall! Emotionally don't even get me started on it.. So then why this tag? I shouldn't be complaining nor should I be taking this fight on which I am pretty sure that may not turn out good for me.. But why is that the women folk tend to play this card? Is playing this card what makes them strong? Gone are those days when the wife is ill treated (may be happening in interiors as per amir khan's new show)! But from 95 out of 100 cases it has definitely come down to 15 - 20 out of 100! In fact there has been instances where the women have falsely accused of ill treatment to force money / property out of the guy ! Yeah yeah you might be thinking why am I going out right against women. I am not! I am just saying exceptions today should not be considered as rules and we should probably look at this as a period were we are equals and not weaker or stronger!
Coming back to being the independent one, it is a common scenario in the urban populations today! Is it the education that makes them independent or stress and lack of time of the male counterpart that forces them to be independent. Isn't it something worth discussing about?
I always believe in a quote - 'need is the mother of all inventions' slightly tweak it 'need is the mother of all revolution' yeah! need to be free lead to struggle for independence, need for touch and feel lead to touch phones! Need for speed got you the supersonic plane and need for safety got that project shelved! And similarly the need to sustain a family in the expensive urban lifestyle forced the women to come out. One may disagree but the truth I believe is that! Lifestyle of westerners are really expensive and therefore it becomes the need of the hour! And that forced them toncome out very early. I quite believe this is just one angle to this argument of why haven't the women broken her shackles may be education is a vital portion that empowers the girl in the urban outfit to be independent but then again somebody set the ball rolling by educating their daughter and empowering her which became a revolution similarly it may take some time before we figure out the same and somebody revolutionizes the rural outfit! But till then we fight on!
But I suggest we do our bit, educate the kids join save the children, Balraksha bharat, sishu seva, Protshahan, being human, Akanksha, teach for india! Let's empower the girl child! And in the struggle also not to forget the boy child, we can't afford another revolution to emancipate the boy child!
Jai hind