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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

World culture!!!

Disclaimer : this is not to offend / hurt / insult any person any religion or any country.. This purely my point of view and everyone has the right to disagree to what I feel just like I have the right to express my views..!

I was in Bangkok recently (yeah yeah I know you might be thinking why the hell am I writing about world culture and not about happy endings !! Sorry!! Only thing happy about this blog is that it will end!! Ghoshh! That was a sad attempt I agree) and one thing that amazed me which is quite different from the rest of the world at least the world that I know!! (and yeah I don't know all the 255 countries, I just guessed the number btw)  but nevertheless.. world has been forever a male dominant society.. (yes girls please fact is a fact.. today u might earn more than us and be our bosses but the society or the expectation of livelihood has always been from the man of the house!!) but in Bangkok life is otherwise women bring in the livelihood and the man of the house is happy to just sit around, sing, drink, dope and pimp!! and they are cool about it.. i don't think the women are cool about it!! i will be surprised if they were cool about it! Women there are expected to "Boom Boom" and feed the family! since every other profession there may not be sufficient as they are cheap to Promote tourism..
Thailand for that matter is thriving on this one aspect (boom boom) which i would politically word  as an effort to 'promote' tourism, since men, in any part of the world, will be men and enjoy sexual companionship of the opposite sex!! and since the men are the ( 'man of the house who earns' ) are the decision makers!! this promotional scheme is the most lucrative one!! (so i am right about the male dominance)
Another Interesting sight I had the pleasure of witnessing was to see an arab couple walking around in Sukhumvit in the night.. The guy was in his trunks (thats it) and his wife (i assume) covered from head to toe  in the traditional black gown!! can you visualize what i am saying!!! almost nude Arab with his wife who was just a pole with robe! not even sure there was a lady behind the robe!!  Not that i am hinting i couldn't catch a glimpse of the beautiful lady! its just the contrast / disparity in how they differentiate men and women! culturally very different from the western world! the sultan can have as many companions he wishes to (can't handle even one for a long time!! imagine 10 - 12) anyways moving on..
The Americans!!! bloody white skin arrogant bastards!! (pardon my language) but the fact .. the underlying cause for why Thailand is like the way it is.. or perceived as a brothel than for its beautiful beaches / corals / Buddhism / elephants and so on.. it was during the Vietnam war that the Americans camped in Thailand and they exposed the Thais to easy money!!! and ever since the highlight of Thailand has been yes 'boom boom'!! so the initiator and initiated are both responsible for the outcome right? and where the contrast lies is the fact that in Thailand they look up to the white skin? wondering probably about the dollars coming their way!!
And then comes the Indian Subcontinent ... the cheap bastards!!! that's what they refer us as..!! they feel an Indian is in Thailand with only one agenda "boom boom" and that too cheapest available!!! walking on the streets and the moment they see an Indian, boom boom & massage leaflets are out from no where and they stalk you till you yell at them and say "NO boom boom!!" Imagine back in India .. Sex is a taboo... and we refrain from talking about it and consider it not apt to bring such topic on our dinner table!! and guess what, the biggest target segment for boom boom in Thailand are Indians!! why this double standards then? or is it that whatever happens in Thailand stays in Thailand??suddenly you feel soooo bad that we Indians are considered like any other 3rd world country in fact worse!!! suddenly you see a different kind of perception about Indians!!! The land of rich heritage.. Hinduism.. Buddhism.. Jainism.. Sikhism.. and many more .. the CULTURE we hold so close to our hearts are not what these people perceive about INDIA.. and sadly when everyone who visits Thailand irrespective of his race or creed or origin.. has boom boom in his agenda!!
its just the random emotions and conclusions that came in to my mind!! pardon me if this was offensive!!