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Monday, November 7, 2011


The world revolves on what people decide.. the decision to be precise.. be it the decision to buy a pen, quit a job.. take up a new assignment... propose the girl u are dating.. to date in the first place... to not to do something stupid.. yes 'To not to do something stupid' it is the most common decision most of us have taken sometime or the other.. but is it really a decision.. or the indecisiveness that was overwhelming.. ?? and we crumbled under the pressure..??
I will never know if i should have just plunged in to something i never did, thinking or worrying about the outcome.. i would never know.. thats the gamble u will take when u don't want to disturb the equation in your life.. when u don't want to lose!! but haven't u lost it already??
I have been lately in this uncertainty.... quite often.. and have more often than once have screwed up pretty badly.. but at times i feel the decision to do nothing was the best..

its a fight between 'what could have been' & 'what it is right now' and the 2 statements are so different.. one is so firm and assertive.. the other more hopeful than anything.. no certainty.. logically what can be the decision.. so is everyone who does nothing wrong or right?? and all the big fakes in the world will say risk it.. take your chances... but u only do so when u have enough substance to make this hope more certain.. its all a calculated decision.. but most of the times the calculations are tweaked by previous responses to those decisions without realizing the parameters this time around are totally different.. so these calculations are also may get you wrong..
and it is very difficult to take a decision when ur previous calculations have gone wrong..

so get squashed between the two.. and take the decision and keep wondering how it would have been if the decision taken was the other one.. it's just human nature..